I室内空气质量 Tests - Ottawa | Enviropure-优德游戏app


室内空气质量测试包括专业测试,以监测和管理空气污染物. 确保你呼吸的空气是干净的 健康的 和清洁.

Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
Enviropure home cleaning specialists at work with full PPE


我们的专业空气检测技术人员团队获得了环境管理方面的全面认证 & 评估. “室内空气质素”或“室内空气质素”指的是建筑物内可能有空气污染的环境特征 对你整体健康的影响舒适或工作表现. 他们也经过认证,经验丰富,可以在渥太华进行适当和彻底的室内空气质量评估.

可评估的室内空气质量参数包括挥发性有机化合物、空气中颗粒物(PM2).5 & PM10)、甲醛废气、 过敏原, Carbon Dioxide, 一氧化碳, as well as Thermal Comfort levels. If you have any concerns about the quality of the air in your space, 致电Enviropure或使用我们的联系表格给我们发送信息,我们将立即与您取得联系!


需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? Or maybe you just need a thorough house cleaning. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!

我们的 客户不得不说


Enviropure has been cleaning my home for several months now. Their staff on the phone and in the home are courteous and professional. They bring all their own equipment and are in and out, but do a great job. I would highly recommend their service. 对于我的家人来说,他们承担了清洁的负担,这让我们有更多的时间在一起.


Recently signed up with this company and they are great. We received enough cleans to say they are ALWAYS on time. 他们进进出出,不会造成任何干扰,如果你因为COVID而在家工作,这是很好的 . 这些年我找了好几家干洗店,最后终于找到了一家长期合作的公司. 强烈推荐!


Enviropure did an outstanding job cleaning our house before we moved in. 这些电器看起来是崭新的. 它们覆盖了房子的每个角落,甚至是我们认为它们无法到达的地方. 我们对此印象深刻.

Marc Langill

We’ve had carpet cleaners at our home and business for years. This is however the first time Ottawa’s Enviropure services were used. 格里和克里斯准时、专业,对最小的细节都很细心. The result was by far the best cleaning the carpet has ever had. Before they arrived, we were considering replacing the carpet with hardwood. However after they were done, it looks sooo much better. 我们肯定会继续使用地毯,并再次邀请这家公司. 基于他们出色的地毯清洁,我一定会推荐他们的服务.


I recently used Enviropure to do a deep clean, 他们做得很棒, they were very professional and worked hard. They made the apartment look like new! They are trustworthy and I would definitely recommend them, I will be continuing to use them on a bi-weekly basis, if I could I would give them a 10 star rating. From beginning to end they were terrific. 谢谢蒂娜, 理查德。, Bob and Matt and everyone who worked so hard, 多么伟大的团队和公司啊!!!!

Enviropure Home Cleaners smile next to their cleaning equipment


加拿大人大部分时间都在室内度过,无论是在家里、工作场所、学校还是购物. Indoor air pollutants can come from a variety of sources, 包括建筑材料, 家具, 清洁产品, and outdoor air pollution that seeps indoors.


Enviropure carefully inspects the air quality, checking for pollutants such as

  • 模具
  • 花粉
  • 尘螨
  • 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)
  • 一氧化碳
  • 石棉
  • 引领

Don’t settle for inferior indoor quality. The air you and your family breathe is of the utmost importance. Contact Enviropure today to get a free quote for indoor air testing in Ottawa.

肮脏的通风口 That Need to Be Cleaned
A man coughing as a result of indoor pollutants like 灰尘 and pollen

Health effects of poor indoor air quality

室内空气质量差产生的污染物会对我们的健康产生重大影响. 如果你注意到以下一些健康影响,这可能是你家里空气质量的结果.


  • 呼吸系统疾病
  • 过敏
  • 头痛
  • 皮肤过敏

Poor indoor air quality can also lead to long-term health effects. 长期暴露在室内空气污染物中会导致更严重的健康问题, 比如心脏病, 呼吸道疾病, 甚至是癌症.

Don’t put your health at risk due to your indoor air quality. Protect your health and get peace of mind with indoor air quality testing.  Contact Enviropure today to get a free quote for indoor air testing in Ottawa.

经常 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Enviropure today.

We get asked this question quite a bit. 让我们先看看新家吧. 在一个完美的世界, you’d put down your hard-earned money and move into a spotless, 崭新的新家, one that had no issued with air quality or other matters of cleanliness, 健康和卫生. 不幸的是, when new homes are constructed in Ottawa nowadays, 建筑商和分包商可能会有点草率(你的里程会有所不同)。. 它们最后会把什么样的东西留在你家里呢, 没有自己打扫卫生? This can run the gamut from tobacco smoke & cigarette butts to building materials, coffee cups and all sort of debris that you didn’t bargain for! 这就是为什么强烈建议进行清洁和空气质量测试-即使是新房. 至于打扫你的家, 即使是最严格的清洁标准也无法捕获空气质量检测所寻找的许多微粒和有害物质.

With the high standards of indoor air quality testing we perform to, hazardous materials that are more commonly found include mold, 灰尘, 石棉, 过敏原, 一氧化碳, 氡, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and more. Should we find one or more of these present, 我们将深入研究以确定来源,并提供消除来源的行动计划。.

我们已经测试了许多在消费者市场上可以买到的空气质量测试工具, 不幸的是,我们还没有找到一个可以托付给我们所爱之人的人. The quality of these “air quality testing” kits varies from poor to mediocre, and it makes us think of the old saying, “一分钱一分货。.”而不是, 你最好聘请专业的空气质量检测提供商, 受过深度训练的人, 在室内空气质量和空气质量检测方面有丰富的经验和知识. 我们在高质量方面进行了投资(并继续进行持续的资本支出), professional-level air quality testing equipment. 这就是我们如何确保我们进行的空气质量测试是可靠和准确的, so that you and your family can breathe the best air possible.

测试室内空气质量所需的时间取决于你所做的测试类型, 你家的大小, 以及正在使用的设备. A professional air quality test will typically only take a few hours.  如果你选择DIY空气质量工具包, you can expect to wait for days or even weeks to get the results from a lab.

影响室内空气质量的因素有很多. 一些常见的污染物包括:灰尘、霉菌、烟渣、宠物皮屑和清洁化学品. 通常, 室内空气质量差是由于你家的通风系统出了问题.

很好的问题! 我们以始终保持警惕,始终在寻找最好的空气质量检测设备而自豪. 在渥太华为家庭和办公室部署空气质量测试服务之前,我们对设备进行了反复测试. 在Enviropure,我们确保使用最先进的技术进行室内空气质量测试. 我们寻找的空气质量测试产品,获得一贯优异的评级和评论. 我们的目标是继续提供最新的空气质量检测设备,让你得到全面的结果,可以呼吸更好的空气.

100%! 不幸的是, 随着我们社会的“进步”, with these advancements have come some pretty unsavoury byproducts. 我们都熟悉室外空气污染,以及人们呼吸不良空气时所遭受的影响. Well, indoor air quality has followed suit in many of the same ways. 房屋, offices and other structures contain a variety of chemicals, materials and potential indoor air contaminants. Older homes and offices, for example, may contain 石棉. 有些家庭有氡. 模具, 灰尘 and other harmful materials are present in many structures. 要知道你呼吸的空气是否清洁,以及如何使空气更清洁,唯一的方法就是进行室内空气质量测试.


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